Tuesday, October 21, 2008

50. The Heretic's Daughter - Kathleen Kent

Martha Carrier was one of the first women to be accused, tried and hanged as a witch in Salem, Massachusetts. Like her mother, young Sarah Carrier is bright and willful, openly challenging the small, brutal world in which they live. Often at odds with one another, mother and daughter are forced to stand together against the escalating hysteria of the trials and the superstitious tyranny that led to the torture and imprisonment of more than 200 people accused of witchcraft. This is the story of Martha's courageous defiance and ultimate death, as told by the daughter who survived.
I LOVED this book! Being a history buff, I have read a lot of books about the Salem witch trials. Yet this book was so different from the others. It was a completely different angle to the happenings in Salem than all of the other books that I've read.
I really enjoyed the Carrier family. It was amazing all that they endured in such a short amount of time! Their strength and courage was fascinating. Every time I read about that time period, I am in complete disbelief of what happened - how a whole town (and neighboring towns) became caught up in the lies of a group of teenage girls and killed and imprisoned so many innocent people. It's incredible what greed and anger will lead to...
I would highly recommend this book, to history buffs and everyone. For this being Kathleen Kent's first novel, she did an amazing job!
Rating: 5/5

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Wow, 5/5! I'm excited to read it. I'll be starting as soon as I'm off the computer, since I finally finished my other book.

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