Thursday, December 4, 2008


After having just reread the Twilight series, these are my thoughts...

1. I liked New Moon more this time around than I ever have before. I am getting pretty excited about it being made into a movie, although it won't be as good as Twilight because Edward will hardly be in it!

2. I also enjoyed Breaking Dawn more this time... although it still is my least favorite book. I absolutely hate that Stephenie Meyer starts giving her characters nicknames that she never used before... like Jazz for Jasper and Em for Emmett. Grr! But, I found myself enjoying it more, I even enjoyed the non-battle battle at the end.

That's about all I have to say about that.


Lisa said...

I'm still avoiding my re-read of Breaking Dawn. Soon...

Beth said...

Soon... indeed. I'm pretty sure once you reread it you will like it more... but it will still be your least favorite of the bunch!

Lisa said...

No doubt, Dawg!

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