Thursday, January 15, 2009

1. Clear As The Moon - Chris Stewart

The nuclear explosion over Washington D.C. and the subsequent EMP attack have left a decapitated government and 300 million helpless citizens. In the ensuing chaos, a dark and powerful cartel steps forward to claim power. The Constitution of the United States hangs in the balance as the eternal struggle between good and evil spreads through the government. After Sara Brighton agrees to help a shadow government rise to power, Sara and Bono are sent on the most dangerous military mission of their lives. Azadeh agrees to guide them through the mountains of Iran as they seek for the key that could save the world. Struggling against overwhelming odds, they realize the most important lesson of their time: Faith is the only thing that matters as the final day draws near.
I was so excited to read the sixth and final installment of The Great and The Terrible series! I have loved reading about all the characters, especially the Brighton family. However, I was a little disappointed with this book. It was a little too happy of an ending, especially about it being total chaos on earth. I was expecting a little more to happen in this book - it was all finished off rather quickly with all the loose ends tied up just like that. And the ending... hmm. It just seemed a little off. But, all in all, I enjoyed the book.
Rating: 3.25/5


Amanda J said...

I agree, the ending was a bit off. I expected it to end differently as well.

Lisa said...

Ahh, it's good to have you back!

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