Sunday, February 8, 2009

7. To Hold The Crown - The Story of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York

Henry Tudor was not born to the throne of England. Having come of age in a time of political turmoil and danger, the man who would become Henry VII spent fourteen years in exile in Brittany before returning triumphantly to the Dorset coast with a small army and decisively winning the Battle of Bosworth Field—ending the War of the Roses once and for all and launching the infamous Tudor dynasty.

As Henry’s claim to the throne was tenuous, his marriage to Elizabeth of York, daughter and direct heir of King Edward IV, not only served to unify the warring houses, it also helped Henry secure the throne for himself and for generations to come. And though their union was born from political necessity, it became a wonderful love story that led to seven children and twenty happy years together. Sweeping and dramatic, To Hold the Crown brings readers inside the genesis of the great Tudor empire: through Henry and Elizabeth’s troubled ascensions to the throne, their marriage and rule, the heartbreak caused by the death of their son Arthur, and, ultimately, to the crowning of their younger son, King Henry VIII.

English history really interests me, especially anything to do with their royalty. Jean Plaidy's books are so informative and entertaining. I love to read them. This one was on the low end of the scale, but it was still pretty good. I have a hard time imagining what it must have been like to be a Princess during that time period - your wants and desires are completely neglected and you are used as a token, married to which ever kingdom had the most to offer. Thank goodness I was born when I was - times were so tough back then. I enjoyed reading about Henry VIII when he was a child, knowing the man he would become - yikes. An interesting read.

Rating: 3/5

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Wow, I don't really know anything about Henry VII. It's good to see that he loved and respected his wife, unlike his son!

I wouldn't have wanted to live in a time where my husband was chosen for political or financial gain, either, but it seems like Henry and Elizabeth did okay.

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