Saturday, September 18, 2010

Vampire Academy

So I find myself being drawn into this series. I enjoy the main character, Rose. I like her sass and no-nonsense attitude. Her sarcasm is pretty funny, too. The whole falling for her teacher/mentor Dimitri... yeah, the way he is written makes his all desirable and whatever, but really... she was 17 when they met. What is he doing falling for a 17 year-old? I know he's only 7 years older... but when you're dealing with a teenager, that's just nasty. Of course, I'm rooting for them, and I was devastated that he was lost at the end of book 3 (my guess is... he's still alive, being used as bait against Rose and Lissa by the white haired Strigoi).

I also enjoy Adrian, though not as much as Dimitri. I'm sad he loves Rose but doesn't stand a chance. I hope he can figure out his whole Spirit powers like Lissa uses them. As for Lissa and Christian... they are a cute couple, and I enjoy that Christian looks out for her so much. I also loved that Christian and Rose worked together to kill so many Strigoi at the end of book 3 - awesome!

Book 4 is in at the library, so I have to wait until Monday to get it - bummer! I checked and I cannot reserve a copy of book 5 at the library (they have some crazy rules about reserving books), so I don't know what I'm going to do... do I break down and buy it, or wait until it becomes available to check-out?


Lisa said...

First off, I am SO EXCITED to see a new post on here! :)

As for the Vampire Academy books: I LOVE this series! I'm surprised with how much, really, because I wasn't all that impressed with the first book. Each book is better than the one before it, though, and I was completely sucked in by book 2.

I adore Dimitri. Yeah, it's kind of crazy that he's with a 17-year-old, but I didn't have much of a problem with it because he and Rose are so perfect for each other. I was completely devastated when Dimitri was captured by the Stigoi! I hope you enjoy books 4 and 5 as much as I did. Soooo good!

You know what happened to me...I ended up buying all of the books because I couldn't wait until they became available from the library. And I'm so glad I own them because I plan on re-reading them often. If you can wait for the fifth one to come in at the library, good for you. I couldn't. ;)

Lisa said...

Ahh, I see that you reread The Duke and I. I've been thinking about re-reading that series, too. I'll skip To Sir Philip, With Love, though! ;)

Kira said...

The age difference seems to be a recurring theme in most books nowadays... If you recall in Fire, Brigan was 22 and Fire was 17, about the same difference as Rose and Dimitri. And if you want to be technical, Bella is only 17 while Edward is over 100 years old! :)

Now, where is your list of literary crushes??

Lisa said...

Kira, I am happy to see you commenting on here. Now you can comment on some of my posts. ;)

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