Friday, October 1, 2010

Honorable Mention

Here are some honorable mentions of my literary crush list (I just couldn't fit them all!):

Harry Potter (yes, I like 'em young!), Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling
Aragorn, The Lord of The Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
Prince Brigan, Fire by Kristin Cashore
Adrian Ivashkov, Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead


Kira said...

Harry Potter?!?!?! That was a surprise! I can't believe Brigan didn't make it onto your list. I like him better than Po. And I'd totally take Legolas over Aragorn... (but I'm probably biased off their looks in the movies) ;)

Lisa said...

Yes, Kira, you have to have read the books to name them Literary Crushes. That's why Aragorn isn't on my list.

I'm a bit surprised about Harry Potter, too!!

Lisa said...

Have you read the Lord of the Rings books, Kira?

Beth said...

I guess I love the Harry Potter in book 7 - fighting the good fight and all!

Kira said...

No. I own the books (given to me by someone) but I have never read them. Maybe someday... they are hard for me to get into because of the way they are written, the "language" of it is hard to follow.

Jean said...

That is also why Aragorn wasn't on mine either.

Beth said...

I'll be honest, the only reason I was able to read the book is because I read it after seeing the first movie and I had to know what would happen! But it was really hard to read some of it, even then.

Camille said...

Oh, Kira. Viggo is WAY better looking than Orlando Bloom. In my opinion.

Kira said...

Camille, Viggo is not better looking than Orlando in LOTR... Just sayin'

Camille said...

Viggo is delicious to look at for his age.

Lisa said...

Okay, in the movie, Legolas and Aragorn are both delicious. In real life, Orlando Bloom doesn't do much for me.

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