Friday, October 1, 2010

Literary Crushes Vol. 2

At the encouragement of my sisters, I have revised my literary crushes list. The last time I did this was in Sept. 2009. This is what my list looked like:

1) Edward Cullen, Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer
2) Peeta Mellark, The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins
3) Miach of Neroche, The Nine Kingdoms series by Lynn Kurland
4) Fitzwilliam Darcy, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
5) Max Pesaro, The Gardella Vampire Chronicles by Colleen Gleason
6) Rhys de Piaget, the de Piaget series by Lynn Kurland
7) Prince Po, Graceling by Kristin Cashore
8) Aragorn, The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
9) D'Artagnan, The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas
10) Gilbert Blythe, Anne of Green Gables series by L.M. Montgomery

Here is my revised list:

1) Edward Cullen, Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer
2) Peeta Mellark, The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins
3) Miach of Neroche, The Nine Kingdoms series by Lynn Kurland
4) Valek, Study series by Maria V. Snyder
5) Fitzwilliam Darcy, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
6) Max Pesaro, The Gardella Vampire Chronicles by Colleen Gleason
7) Rhys de Piaget, the de Piaget series by Lynn Kurland
8) Dmitri Belikov, Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead
9) Prince Po, Graceling by Kristin Cashore
10) Gilbert Blythe, Anne of Green Gables series by L.M. Montgomery
(sorry, but I have to have this one on here, too)
11) D'Artagnan, The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas


Kira said...

You no longer care for Aragorn?

And thank you for your list :)

Kira said...

P.S. I totally read back to your 2009 posting of your literary crushes where you said "My sister and I think my only reader, Lisa, requested I make a Top Ten Literary Cruses List. So to honor her for being my loyal follower, here goes."... I read your blog, too! I enjoy reading your reviews on books, that's how I get ideas on what books to read next.

P.S.S. You totally spelled "crushes" wrong ;) (cruses)

Beth said...

Thanks, Kira, for reading my blog! :)

Lisa said...

Nice list! I almost added Honorable Mentions to my list when I made it, but I ended up deleting the names before I posted it.

Thanks for humoring me. You too, Kira. ;)

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