Monday, October 18, 2010

One Second After

This story is set in a small town in North Carolina and how they deal with the effects of an EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse - nuclear warheads being set off above the atmosphere, knocking out all electricity and anything that has any sort of electronic device in it).

WOW! This book both intrigued me and freaked me out. Going through possible scenarios following something like this (which could very well happen) really got my mind going. First off, our society is so dependent on electricity. For me, it would truly be difficult to function without electricity. Food would be hard to come by, medicine as well, staying clean would be much less of a priority. Diseases long thought of cured would come back, skills that helped people survive hundreds of years ago are dwindling and so many wouldn't know how to survive.

All of those are scary thoughts... but for me, the scariest part was when groups of vigilantes/crazies/murderers got together and started plundering their way through the countryside. Totally freaked me out! You might have all your food storage and other supplies, but how do you stand against a large group of people intent on killing you (and then eating you). So disturbing!

This book made me really think about what I need to do for my family to be better prepared (and hopefully nothing like this ever happens).

Rating: 3.5/5


Lisa said...

Sounds very interesting! I may have to read this one sometime.

Camille said...

Ooh. Sounds interesting. I think Mom read this book while she was out here..

Kira said...

Don't worry, I won't eat you...

By the way, where is your review for Spirit Bound?? Looking forward to it, seeing as how you gave it a 4 star rating on goodreads.

Beth said...

Thanks, Kira... I'm glad you won't eat me! ;)

Camille, Mom did read this book while she was visiting you. That's why I read it... Mom said it was a very interesting read.

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