Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spellweaver by Lynn Kurland

Ruith had long managed to ignore the magic in his veins, until aiding Sarah with her ill-fated quest forced him into places where his heritage was impossible to deny. Faced with an ever-increasing number of enemies who covet his power, Ruith must accept his birthright and gather his father's spells together so he can destroy them-or turn away and allow his father's evil to overcome the Nine Kingdoms.

Now, Ruith and Sarah must rely on each other more than ever-for everything they value is at risk: the Nine Kingdoms, their lives...and their hearts.

The second story of Ruith and Sarah was a good read.  I had to reread the first book following their story, A Tapestry of Spells, so I could reacquaint myself with their journey.  In this book, Ruith and Sarah travel across the Nine Kingdoms, looking for more of Gair's spells. Ruith is afraid someone is trying to collect them and all of Gair's powers with them - which could destroy their world.  They encounter more of Ruith's relatives along the way (which made me very happy - I love family reunions in these books), and learn things about Sarah's past that they never expected.  As they get closer to their goal, Ruith and Sarah also grow closer to each other, which I figured would happen, but it was still fun to read about.  One thing that did bother me was how Sarah was always finding excuses to not be with Ruith... drove me nuts.  Quit torturing yourself trying to be all "noble" and just accept what's in front of your face, Sarah!  So annoying.

Anyway, it was fun to continue in this series and I hate that I have to wait another whole year for the next book!

Rating: 4/5


Lisa said...

I am so excited to read this one, but I have so many other books to read right now. Plus, I'll have to re-read the others in the series first so that I can remember what happens. Glad you enjoyed it!

Kira said...

Glad you liked it! I still haven't gotten mine, but I guess it's no rush since I still have other things in front of me to read right now. I will also have to reread A Tapestry of Spells to reacquaint myself with these characters.

Kira said...

Look, Beth, I'm visiting again... even though you haven't posted anything new. All because I love you!

Lisa said...

I'm visiting, too. I always do. :)

Lisa said...

I glanced at my book case last night and realized that I haven't read this book yet. I totally forgot about it!

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