Friday, January 4, 2013

1. Seer of Sevenwaters by Juliet Marillier

The young seer Sibeal is visiting an island of elite warriors, prior to making her final pledge as a druid. It's there she finds Felix, a survivor of a Viking shipwreck, who's lost his memory. The scholarly Felix and Sibeal form a natural bond. He could even be her soul mate, but Sibeal's vocation is her true calling, and her heart must answer. 

 As Felix fully regains his memory, Sibeal has a runic divination showing her that Felix must go on a perilous mission-and that she will join him. The rough waters and the sea creatures they will face are no match for Sibeal's own inner turmoil. She must choose between the two things that tug at her soul-her spirituality and a chance at love...

Having read the four previous books in the series... I have to say, the last two, which I call the second generation of Sevenwaters stories, are not as good as the first three books.
However, I still enjoyed the story.  It was nice to finally find out Felix's story, although it took quite a while to get there... and I don't quite understand the whole druid thing.  Maybe if I knew a little more about it I would understand Sibeal's character more.
But the whole "love story" was probably the best part of the book.
Rating: 3/5


Lisa said...

I'd like to read this series sometime.

So, does this mean you'll be keeping the book blog updated? :)

Beth said...

We'll see... I said one of my goals was to do a better job of my book blog... of course, I said that last year and that didn't work out too well...

Lisa said...

Woohoo! I'd love to read more book posts!

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