Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Study series by Maria V. Snyder

I absolutely love this series!
Seriously, some of my favorite characters come from this series and one of my best literary crushes.  Yelena is such a strong, fascinating female character.  I really love that about Snyder - she is great about writing great female leads.  And Valek... oh, Valek... Of course Yelena could not resist you.  How can anybody resist you?
I had a lot of fun re-reading this series in preparation for Snyder's new novel, Shadow Study.  Supposedly it is a continuation in Yelena and Valek's storyline so I was definitely looking forward to reading it.
I am so glad I took the time to read these.  Apparently I have only read the last two books in the series once and that was over four years ago!  It was a great refresher!
So a few days ago I eagerly opened my copy of Shadow Study... and within the first few pages I realized I was missing part of the story.  Apparently if you want ALL the details in Yelena and Valek's story you need to read the Glass series by Snyder, as well.  I'm sure you could probably read Shadow Study without reading those books and get most of the story, but I am such a fan of these characters that I feel I would be doing them an injustice by going ahead and reading Shadow Study without reading the Glass series.
Sadly, I put the book back on my shelf and quickly requested the Glass series from the library... now to wait. :(
I really hope the Glass books are worth it!


Lisa said...

Gah! Don't think I wil be continuing with the series.

Lisa said...

Hope you enjoy it, though.

Lisa said...

And for comment #3: I should really re-read these sometime!

Camille said...

I definitely need to re-read the first three. I'm sure I'll get around to reading the rest of the series EVENTUALLY.

I also have not read the Glass books. Guess I'll need to read those, too.

Kira said...

I had no clue that you had to read the Glass series before continuing with Shadow Study. Bummer! I own them, I've just never read them. Alas, I will also need to re-read the Sturdy series and then I guess read the Glass ones before I go about requesting Shadow Study from the library.

Beth said...

Yay for more reading, Kira!!!! :)

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