Thursday, March 26, 2009

Twilight again...

I just had to read Twilight again after watching the movie this weekend. I had fun watching the movie in the theater because I went with two of my sisters to the midnight showing on opening night. But the movie itself wasn't that great. So after watching it again after my sister bought it, I just had to reread it! I LOVE the book so much! I was so disappointed that the movie cut out their whole getting to know each other scenes during school and the meadow scene - what a disappointment! It was great rereading how Bella and Edward fell in love and man, I wish I had me some Edward Cullen!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I thought about rereading it, too! Maybe I will, now that I've finished Lonesome Dove. I like the movie, but it in no way compares to the book!

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