Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Demon King

I have to start with the obvious - this book (or series) is MUCH better than the Heir Chronicles series! The storyline was much more interesting and the characters much better defined.

I enjoyed how the story flipped between the two main characters, Han and Raisa. I really felt invested in them and really wanted everything to work out for them. I felt bad for Han and frustrated for Raisa. They both live on the extremes of life (a poor ex-pick pocket and a princess), but they both have similar frustrations with those extremes.

I had a hard time putting this book down, and spent most of Halloween reading it while I was sick in bed. I cannot wait to read the next book in the series, The Exiled Queen, but I have to because it's not available to me at my library right now. Drat!

AND... I totally knew that would be the ending of the book (a certain character's past). But still good!

Rating: 4/5


Kira said...

It was really good, wasn't it? Sad thing is, once you actually do finish the second book (and you cheer the characters on even more) you have to wait another year for the next one to come out. STINKS! But I'm glad that you liked it, I really enjoyed it.

Lisa said...

I may have to read this series, even though I wasn't all that fond of The Warrior Heir. This series sounds more interesting, though, from the reviews you and Kira have done.

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