Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Afterlife by Claudia Gray

This is the first time I've actually rated a book one star.  A little harsh, perhaps.  I have to admit, I kind of didn't want to read this book.  But I'm the type of person when once I start a series, 98% I have to finish the series.  The Evernight series started out really interesting for me.  The whole concept of vampire and vampire hunter falling in love... seemed a little overdone with all the vampire books coming out, but a cute twist on it.  The second book in the series was okay as well.  But then as the series dragged on... I was dragging on.  Bianca hovering between vampire and wraith, Lucas fighting the whole world for Bianca (at the age of 17 or 18, mind you)... it was just becoming too much.

And then the fourth book was released.  BLAH!  I felt reading this book made me more dumb by the second.  I was so annoyed with the whole Bianca/Lucas OBSESSION - I swear, every other paragraph was about how much they just LOVED each other...  Then the whole Ms. Bethany and the wraiths storyline... whatever.  I can see where the author was going with this, since she introduced the wraiths in the first book, but it didn't make the story any better.  It just drove me nuts.

Anyway, I can honestly say I am so glad I'm done with this series!  Blah blag blah!

Rating: 1/5

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Why in the world did you want me to read this one? I had NO desire to read it, but I did it for you.

I'm getting to the point where, if I'm not enjoying a series, I won't continue with it.

*cough* The Wolves of Mercy Falls *cough*

Thanks for writing your review.

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