Wednesday, February 13, 2013

9. Allegiance by Cayla Kluver

Only I saw Narian for who he truly was: a young man with courage and an independent mind, and made to pay for what was outside his control. He couldn't help his past any more than he could help the way those intense, deep-blue eyes pierced me and held me captive.

An eighteen-year-old queen in love with the enemy as their countries pass the point of no return...

Bound to a man she cannot love, Queen Alera of Hytanica must forget Narian, the young man who holds her heart. For Narian is destined to conquer Hytanica at the behest of his master, the powerful magic-user known as the Overlord. Alera doesn't truly believe Narian will fight against Hytanica-until Cokyrian troops attack with Narian commanding the charge.

Faced with the greatest betrayal a heart can know, Alera must set aside personal feelings and lead her kingdom through its darkest time. And when all hope, will and courage seem lost, she must find strength and remember that even the blackest night must have a dawn....

This book started out a little slow for me.  I don't want to give anything away, but it just seemed like more of the same old, same old, and I was kind of disappointed.  However, about halfway through things started to pick up.

By then, I had a really hard time putting the book down.  I was so eager to know what would happen to Hytanica and Alera.  Her character definitely progressed in this book, which pleased me, because she seemed rather underdeveloped in Legacy.  There were quite a few twists and turns I did not expect.

An enjoyable read (at least for the last half).  The ending was also not quite what I was expecting, and left me a little perplexed by what the third and final book in the series could possibly be about.  We shall see...

Rating: 3.75/5 (so I'll round it up to 4)

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