Friday, February 14, 2014

Lady Thief by A.C. Gaughen

Can I just say... I love me some Robin Hood!

I really enjoy this series by A.C. Gaughen!  I am completely caught up in the world of Robin Hood, Scarlet, Little John and Much!  Something about the way these stories are written just pulls me in.

While this story wasn't as great as the first one (and really, which sequel is ever as good as the original?), I still really enjoyed it.  The reader gets a glimpse into another aspect of Scarlet.  We are also introduced to Prince John and other nobles as royalty pours into Nottingham to find a replacement for sheriff.

I loved the scenes with Rob and Scarlet and there is another twist in this book that I did not see coming!

Rating: 4/5


Lisa said...

I don't remember much of anything about Scarlet. I'll probably wait until all of the books are out and then read them.

Kira said...

I enjoyed it as well. Really looking forward to what happens next!

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