Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Lorien Legacies

I just finished re-reading the first four books in the Lorien Legacies series by Pittacus Lore (aka James Frey and Jobie Hughes) in anticipation of the fifth book coming out on the 26th.

Every time I read these books I get sucked into their world.  I am rooting for Lorien and the Garde and I feel like I am there with them.

I am so excited for the next book to get here!  I have to know what happens next!

P.S. I really, really, really, really wish some of my sisters would read this series so I could share all my "feelings" with them! ;)


Camille said...

One day I'll finish them. I have a giant list of books I need to get through. But I do own the first two, having already read the first one.

Kira said...

An update!!!

When I feel a "desire" to read, I will read I Am Number Four... promise.

Lisa said...

Someday I will read them. :)

Jean said...

Your mother has read them..just sayin.

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