Saturday, January 24, 2015

4. Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen

I don't know how I made it to the ripe old age of 30 without having read this book.  I LOVE Pride and Prejudice and pretty much anything to do with that time period.
So, I have seen this movie a few times and I have to say I really enjoy the movie.  Reading the book, I would have to say they followed it pretty closely.  There were some difference, but of course there will be difference.
I love how different Elinor and Marianne are - it's fascinating how two sisters, raised by the same parents in the same household, can be so entirely different.  Elinor is very mature and reserved and knows what is expected of her in society.  Marianne is immature and overly emotional and could care less what society thinks of her.
Both deal with love and the loss of that love in completely different ways.  Thankfully by the end of the book Marianne does some growing up and I am pleased with  how it all turned out.
It took me a while to read because the language is so different.  They spoke so much more elegantly and beautifully two hundred years ago.  However, I will never get over how "proper ladies and gentlemen" honestly did NOTHING their entire lives.
Rating: 4/5
- a classic romance


Stacey said...

Sounds like you really enjoyed this book. I never got into her.. I will have to try. Which one is the best?

Beth said...

I am still biased towards Pride and Prejudice. I love me some Mr. Darcy.

Camille said...

I have never read ANY of Jane Austen (I know... I'm hanging my head in shame). However, I will be reading Pride and Prejudice for one of my book options.

Beth said...

You should hang your head in shame, Camille. ;) J/K, but I am glad you will be reading that goody this year!

Lisa said...

I love Jane Austen.

Lisa said...

Besides Emma, that is.

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