Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Blood Promise

So... I was wrong about Dimitri... BUT, I think Rose and Lissa are going to figure out a way to "save" him. I'm a little bummed for Adrian because he finally had his opening and he genuinely cares for Rose.

This book seemed a little drawn out for me, though. Especially in the beginning... ugh! After reading the family book club book I hope to get back to this series, although book number five isn't at the library here... what to do?

Oh, and I totally new Abe was Ibrahim. Duh.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Looking back at my Goodreads review, I said exactly the same thing about the drawn-out beginning. It took much too long to get to the meat of the story. But, I still enjoyed this one more than you did.

I feel bad for Adrian, too, but Rose belongs with Dimitri. I loved Spirit Bound; hope you do, too!

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